Write For Us

Write for Us!

Are you passionate about writing and looking for a platform where you can write to share your knowledge and insights with the world? Are you passionate about sharing your expertise and insights with a wider audience? Do you want to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry or niche? Then you are in the right place. We encourage you to write for us in the realm of technology, business, gadgets, cyber security, lifestyle, finance, and more. We invite you to join our esteemed community of quality writers to empower valuable information to our readers.

Why Write for Us?

At Techi Ocean, we take pride in crafting high-quality, well-researched, informative, and valuable content that captivates our wide audience. Our guest posting offers a valuable opportunity to showcase your knowledge and connect with new readers. However, crafting compelling content that resonates with both readers and publishers requires a strategic approach. We encourage creative thinkers and enthusiastic writers to come forward and share their valuable knowledge and expertise with our growing audience.

Our Focus Areas

Technology + Write for us: Explore and write technology innovations, trends, and breakthroughs in the technology world.

Cyber Security + Write for Us: Write and explore cybersecurity trends, drawbacks, movements, and improvements, and their impact on human life.

Business Write for Us: Write and share your entrepreneurial wisdom, strategies, leadership thoughts, and insights with our readers to get valuable insights.

Finance Write for Us: Share knowledge on the finance realm, investment tips, money management, and financial trends with our readers toward a secure financial future.

Gadgets + Write for Us: Offer your insight and knowledge on the artificial intelligence industry. How it is helpful for human life?

Also, other niches as well, If it is related to our site, we will publish it for you. Feel free to reach us today to get the opportunity to write for us!

Submission Guidelines!

Techi Ocean encourages writers to share their knowledge with our valuable readers. But there are some guidelines to submit your article.

Originality: Your content must be original, human-written, and plagiarism-free. It must not be published on any other website.

Quality: We are proud to say that we focus on quality instead of quantity. Also, we must say that all articles are true examples of quality content. Focus on well-researched, engaging, and informative content.

Word Count: We have some specific guidelines related to the word count of our articles. It must be in between 800 to 1500 words.

Keyword Optimization: The main focus of ranking is on page optimization. So, primary and secondary keywords must be optimized for better reach.

Formatting: Use proper formatting. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and relevant images to enhance the visual presentation of the article.

How to Submit Guest Post?

Your article is ready as per the guidelines? Send your well-crafted and human-written article to us using email. Our editorial team will review it and if it is according to our website, it will be approved and published. Remember, the editorial team will have the right to change some pieces of the article if needed. Once approved, you will be notified with the published link.

Contact Us!

You can share your article with us on info(@)techiocean(.)com. Submit your guest post pitch with the proper subject and become a contributor to our site.

Queries you can use to search for us!

  1. Technology:” Write for us”
  2. Technology: “Write for me”
  3. “Guest post” + Technology
  4. Technology “submit a guest post”
  5. Technology “guest article”
  6. Technology“become a contributor”
  7. Technology “guest author”
  8. “Write for our blog” + Technology
  9. “Guest post opportunities” + Technology
  10. Technology “become a contributor”
  11. Technology“accepting guest posts”
  12. Contribute to our site” Technology
  13. “Guest blogging” + Technology
  14. “Contributor guidelines” + Technology
  15. Technology “guest post guidelines”
  16. Technology“guest column”
  17. Technology inurl:/guest-post/
  18. Technology:”submit” + inurl:blog
  19. Technology intitle:”contribute to”
  20. Technology “accepting guest posts”
  21. “Contribute to our site” + Technology
  22. “Contribute to our site” + Technology
  23. “Guest Post Request” + Technology
  24. “Guest Article Opportunities” + Technology
  25. “Accept Guest Bloggers” + Technology
  26. “Submit Content for Publication” + Technology
  27. “Contribute to our website” + Technology
  28. “Guest Writer Wanted” + Technology
  29. “Guest Post Contributor” + Technology
  30. “Become a guest writer” + Technology
  31. “accepting guest articles” + Technology
  32. “write for our audience” + Technology
  33. “looking for guest posts” + Technology
  34. “guest post submission” + Finance
  35. “guest post inquiry” + Finance
  36. “guest author opportunities” + Finance
  37. “accept guest authors” + Finance
  38. Guest blogging 2023 + Finance
  39. Roundup + Finance + year
  40. Guest Blogging Prospecting + Finance
  41. Guest Post best practices + Finance
  42. Guest Blogging trends + Finance
  43. Guest writer wanted + Finance
  44. Expert Blog Contribute + Finance
  45. Expert Guest Contribution + Finance
  46. Guest post submission tips + Finance
  47. Guest Blogging best trends + Finance
  48. Blogging trends 2024 + Finance
  49. Best author opportunities + Finance
  50. Influencer Guest posting + Finance
  51. Guest author spotlight + Finance
  52. Exclusive guest contributor + Finance
  53. Guest content exchange + Finance
  54. Guest author showcase + Finance
  55. Unconventional guest posting opportunities + Finance
  56. Guest post collaboration + Finance
  57. “contributing writer” Business
  58. “guest author” Business
  59. “The following guest post” Business
  60. “guest blogger” Business
  61. “guest column” Business
  62. “guest article” Business
  63. “guest post by” Business
  64. “guest post written by” Business
  65. “guest author today” Business
  66. “Business” “Become a Contributor”
  67. “Business” “Become a Guest Blogger”
  68. “Business” “Become an Author”
  69. “Business” “Bloggers Wanted”
  70. “Business” “Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging”
  71. “Business” “Contribute”
  72. “Business” “Guest post by”
  73. “Business” “This is a guest article”
  74. “Business” “Add Guest Post”
  75. “Business” guest author